About the project

Association “Langas į ateitį” (“Window to the Future”) summarised its more than 10 years of experience, results and best practices of basic ICT skills training by developing the website www.epilietis.eu  (“Lithuania’s e-Citizen”).

This website is in Lithuanian as  it is aimed at Lithuanian citizens who want to improve their ICT skills and learn how to use public and private e-services. The learning material content presentation is designed for those who need encouragement and help in acquiring ICT skills: most relevant public and private e-services are presented in a simple way, along with useful links, helpful tips, learning material as well as tests for knowledge evaluation.

People can learn on their time, their place and their pace, and acquire skills enabling them to use e-services effectively and – that’s a very important aspect – safely.  All material and all training courses provided on this website are free of charge. This product opens e-possibilities for everybody – elderly, low income, or rural community people – to whom other training possibilities are less available. People use it for self-training as well as training tool in communities organising free training courses in public Internet access points based in public libraries.